Saturday, February 14, 2009

I MADE IT to 100!

I did it! I made it to 100!
My 100th post, that is!

In the beginning, I started my blog to share pictures and information with family and friends about the bald eagle adult couple who took up residence and began a family nearby in January 2008 (and they're back again this year, setting up house).

After researching information about eagles, and talking with Jay, an eagle expert wildlife agent, I learned that the eagle family would be away on vacation for salmon fishing and travel sometime after their eaglets fledged. To fill that void of eagle updates, I thought, why not share my passion for all things gardening? Voila! Gardener's Roost was born, and Aerie-el was to be her caretaker.

Now that I've reached '100', my blog has 'matured' and needs some 'work done' (facelift?), like updating my 'blogroll' list and adding links to the many great blogs that I follow. Many of them are members of Blotanical and include friendly fellow gardeners who live nearby, Garden Muse, Greenwalks, Petunia's Garden, My Secret Garden, A Gardener In Progress, Weed Wackin' Wenches; others a little farther away, Blunders with shoots, blossoms 'n roots, the Inadvertent Farmer; others who live even farther, A Corner Garden, Clatter Valley, The Variegated Thumb, Garden Joy 4 Me, Faire Garden, Thanks For 2 Day, Gardens, Dragons, and some more, Gardening Tips 'n' Ideas, An Artist's Garden, Gary's Garden, Nancy's Soliloquy, The Balconey Gardener, My Chutney Garden, the Urban Gardener, Muddy Boot Dreams, Teza's Garden, Roses in Gardens, Blossom Blooms; and many more! So this isn't a complete list, nor is the one under 'view my complete profile'. So coming soon will be the complete list of blogs I follow on the sidebar!

Also coming soon, a new playlist, and all new posts.
Thanks for visiting, and for making comments to the first 100!
Looking forward to the next 100...



  1. Congratulations to your 100th blog, I am a little bit far away from that, but I´m working on it:-)


  2. Mike, Thanks very much! You'll get there!

  3. Congrats on 100 posts. I look forward to your eagle and bird posts and photos. I think you are really lucky to be able to watch the eagle family! Thanks for including me on your list, it's been great finding other local bloggers as well as all the many other great garden blogs. Maybe you can add Fly like and Eagle to your playlist (ha ha) :)

  4. Catherine, great suggestion! Birds, beetles (Beatles?), blooms...guess I'll forgo the heavy metal since that's not good for the garden :)

  5. Congrats! The Eagle is just gorgeous and you captured them so well in pictures. I would love to see one.

  6. Lona, thank you! I hope you get to see one in person too!

  7. Congratulations on 100 posts! That's a terrific accomplishment, and you have a lot to be proud of. I'm glad you're having fun with it and hope you will continue to post for a long time to come.

  8. Aerie-el:
    Congrats! Hitting 100 is an awesome milestone! I've enjoyed your fist 100 and look forward to what comes next!
    I love the first eagle photo - he seems to be screaming the fact that you've hit a milestone!
    Thanks for putting me on your list. I love the garden family that we have become a part of!

  9. Congrats on your milestone, Aerie_el, and I'm very happy to be among those blogs that you read on a regular basis. I always look forward to your visits, as I do to reading more of your posts. Your eagle shots are spectacular!

  10. Congrats on your 100th post. I love the eagle pictures.


  11. Happy 100th...great milestone. I must say your eagles are magnificent! I can't wait to see more of them...much prettier than a camel, lol!

    Have a wonderful V-Day! Kim

  12. Well, happy 100th Aerie-el! So glad I found you, and know that I've enjoyed your posts very much...can't wait to see the next 100! I started my blog for the same reasons- family wanted to know what I was up to in the garden, so now they know! I had no idea I would meet great people like you, and many others- so go celebrate!

  13. Congrats! It's been really fun to see "your" eagles, it must be so incredible to experience their lives vicariously and it's great that we can do it too, so thanks for sharing. I don't think I will ever get over the wonder I feel when I see a bald eagle - they are just so magnificent, mysterious, powerful, beautiful, fierce, and awesome in the true nature of the word. Here's to your next 100!

  14. Congrats, Aerie-el!! Can't wait for the next 100.

    And, wow. Those bald eagles beat all for majesty.

  15. Happy 100th. I have had little time for garden blogs recently, but hope to keep stopping by here.

  16. Congratulations! I love your posts and pictures!

  17. Congratulations!
    I am enjoying getting to know you. So glad you started this journal. Your photos are amazing.

  18. Woohoo!! Congrats on the big 100. You are so lucky to have such gorgeous visitors to your area. Closest I've been to eagles was a trip to Sitka, where they're everywhere! Thanks for the link love. I look forward to many, many more.

  19. Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words and encouragement for future posts.
    I look forward to reading all of your blogs--you inspire me!


  20. Gratz. How far from you is the nest?

  21. Hi Aerie-el,
    I'm reading the blogs I follow from my blog instead of blotanical tonight, because I tend to miss posts there, because they just give you one post at a time, and if you missed any, you don't figure it out unless you take the extra step to read it in a separate page.

    I'm glad I made it here to congratulate you on your 100th post and thank you for including my blog as one you like to read. So, congratulations, and thanks!

    I love your eagle pics! Awesome!

  22. Somehow I missed this post! :(

    SO a very, very belated congratulations


I love comments, and visiting blogs of people who leave them! Thanks for visiting!