Sunday, January 18, 2009


I don't mind driving to the mountains to see, play,
and ski in and on it (more powder!).
However, I'm not a big fan of a lot of snow at 500 feet elevation.
On the other hand, I am a fan of taking pictures of it.
I'm also a fan of seeing pictures others take, like this one at Mental Mosaic or this post at Greenwalks or this at A Corner Garden or
these at Blunders with Shoots, blossoms n' roots, just to name a few.
Below are a few photos (click on any of them to see in more detail) I shot in the aftermath of the recent snowmageddon '08 we had in the Seattle area...

snow on rose hips

The snow weighed heavily on the boughs of the cedars, roses, and salmonberry bushes.

No place to sit after the snowfall
or after the rain
but now there is again.



  1. The images of the red berries under the snow are very pretty.

  2. Great pictures. Is that the same chair from the flood picture?

  3. Your chair went from the water to the snow. It looks so pretty with the snow. I cannot get enough beautiful snow pictures.Just as long as I am not the one out in it taking them :) Just kidding, if it is not fridge out I do not mind. The big fluffy snows always are so pretty.
    Beautiful shots!

  4. Mary Ann, Thanks! I really liked the look of the contrast between the red and white, plus the snow looked like a 'cap' on the berries.


    Gardenerprogress, It is the very same chair. It was weathered before, but this year it has gone thru some serious weather!


    Lona, Thanks! I was out in the snow just long enough to get the pictures and cold feet, and then headed back into the warmth near the fireplace. Brrr, it was cold outside that day. Even thinking about it now makes me want a cup of tea. :)


  5. Thanks for the link and the lovely pics! Especially the snow on rose hips, that's a great contrast. Your poor chair! Well, if it can live through this winter, it can live through anything!

  6. Just beautiful shots Aerie-el! Wow! I hadn't realized you had been hit so hard. I love the snow- and even played in it this year ;)Thanks for the link love.

  7. Karen, You're welcome! And thank you for the nice words. I'm loving that chair this winter, and treasure the shots of her besting the elements. If the chair could talk, perhaps she would say, "bring it on! It's just a flesh wound!"


    Tessa, Thanks! And you're welcome! You have some great shots of what the snow did there--pretty amazing. Glad you got to play in it too!


  8. Hi Aerie-el,
    I went back to the flood pic, and figured out it was the same chair. What a difference! I want to see that area in the spring! I like your other pics, too.

    Thanks for putting the link to my blog! I'll have to check out the others.


  9. Hi Sue, will do (pix of the chair in spring). That spot is great for relaxing, staying cool in the summer, and for reflection any time of year!

  10. You have captured these wonderful snowscapes!

  11. Thanks very much for your kind words Philip!

  12. Wonderful shots of our snow. It's been cold the last few days, and has felt like snow again.

  13. I love that white, white snow on top of those RED berries! So pretty!


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