Friday, December 2, 2011

Skywatch Friday - From coast to coast

Travel has been my middle name lately;
 it gives me an opportunity to take more photos.
Here are some images of the November sun 
setting on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

 Below are some from the west coast, 
sunrise to sunset...



Friday, November 11, 2011

October SAGBUTT at Soos Creek Botanical Gardens

Seattle Area Garden Bloggers United To Talk (SAGBUTT) 
one chilly morning in October. 

Some of the group couldn't make it because of illness,
some due to children's sports games, or scheduling conflicts,
but three of us did, and were treated to an intimate tour of the SCBG by the owner.

SAGBUTT signature pose

Please stroll with us on our tour;
documented below
with lots of pictures
and very few words.

Ever wonder what a snapshot of a fall in the forest would look like?
Wonder no more.

Hydrangea aspera leaves--HUGE!

The Acer Yvonne dubbed a VW Bug

Morris called this the Snake Bark tree. 
Does anyone know the botanical name?

'Squid' rose hips

Trachelium blooms


Gunnera, orb, and SAGBUTT member

Next SAGBUTT gathering is scheduled for 
November 20, 2011, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., 
Come join us, won't you?


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Autumn Orange Rhodie Blooms

For more Wordless Wednesday images from around the world,
please click here.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Through the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

A few words and more images of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh,
taken August 31, 2011...

A welcoming path

Striking colors

Female monkey puzzle tree

Click here: Araucaria araucana
Male monkey puzzle tree
(as identified by docent)

Pretty in purple-pink

Endangered plant bed

No snacking here

Poppy and ...I thought this pollinator looked different 
from most of those I see in the US Pacific Northwest.

Pretty poppies against a lovely sky that day

Example of cover crops or green manures

Rather formal lines, no?

Bright, bold colors

More splashes of color coordinated

Glass house--look at the top right.
Do you see the palm that has almost outgrown its space?
The docent said it may be moving next year.

Where fish swim and gunnera grow

Eryngium giganteum
Click here to read more about how it came to be known as
Miss Willmott's Ghost.

Sea of Crocosmia 'lucifer', looking as if reaching towards something,
or just blowing in the wind.

First of the fall bulbs shining brightly.

And I wanted to throw in this image because 
I thought it was a perfect example of perfect pruning cuts.

Pruning...the perfect segue...
to explain that for this post
I've drastically pruned down the number of images displayed 
compared with the number I took at the Gardens.
I know. You're shocked, right?
Okay, maybe not!
So, fair warning! Don't be surprised if more pop up in a future post.

Until next time! 
Happy Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere
and Happy Spring to those in the Southern!
