You’re asking yourself, what on earth do these three things have in common?
The answer: they’re all things I’ve seen this month.

First, the ‘orbs’. Okay, it’s probably as hard to believe these are orbs as it was to believe it was snowing near the end of April. So I admit it, they’re not ‘orbs and would like to substitute ‘outer space’ and the theme song from Star Trek, for the ‘orbs’ part of the ‘O equation’.
Second, the osprey. One has been flying around the lake perimeter lately. The call it makes is quite different from that of the bald eagles (listen at the Audubon link listed). And their flight movement is different as well. The bald eagles fly toward the osprey and seem to chase it away whenever it maneuvers anywhere near the nest. The sight of the massive bald eagle flying in the wake of the osprey is quite a sight to behold.

Third, the Offspring (no, not the musical group). They abound everywhere now! I’m quite certain there are one or more eaglets in the nest, a mallard swims by daily with her ducklings, and the geese have visited our lawn with their goslings.
Last, the outdoors, where all gardeners are drawn, especially at this time of year. The plant sales are beginning! The master gardener plant sale in Seattle is this coming weekend and is a great place to get tomato starts, as well as just about any unique (or common) plant you desire. (
Friday and Saturday of the following weekend (Mother’s Day weekend) is the Lake Wilderness Arboretum plant sale in Maple Valley. They have some really unique plants, including many natives. (
Let the excitement of a new growing season begin!