The unusually cold and wintry weather this year inspired me to action. I made suet for the birds. Yes, this is the first batch I've ever made. Pretty incredible I know, where have I been that I haven't made suet before? No excuses, sirs and ma'ams. Here is a picture of it in the pan...

Of course, the suet is for the birds' nourishment, but viewing the birds gives us nourishment for the senses. So the feeders needed to be hung where we could indulge as well, which meant they needed to hang from the deck railing. Using his creative skills, Mr Woodworker made some nifty supports that fit snugly on the railing, and from which we can hang the suet feeders for maximum visibility.
With the feeders rigged for action, the suet ready for our feathered friends' consumption, we loaded and hung them with care, hoping the birds would soon be there. We waited with bated breath...when, what to our wandering eyes did appear, but one, then two, then many a bird there.
Here are a few shots of our recent visitors
(click on each picture to view in more detail)...

(seed in beak-above)

So kind of this little chickadee to oblige in a photogenic pose,
even in the absence of 'blue steel' prompting!
Here's to the birds!