Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Summer arrived on July 4th



  1. Great fireworks pictures! I tried once to take pics of the fireworks....wasn't very successful. Maybe next year.

  2. Oooh! Ahhh! Is what I bet was heard when these went off:) Great shots!

  3. Happy belated 4th to you, Aerie-el. I want one of those cupcakes. :)

  4. Great photos to celebrate the 4th. I've only used the fireworks setting on my camera once for sparklers and that doesn't really count. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Yes, the heat has arrived! Great fireworks photos, I wanted to try to capture some this year, but was afraid of annoying others who were watching.

  6. Hi Aerie-el,
    How have you been? I love your photos of the fireworks! I spent most of the evening inside with kids who don't like the noise of the fireworks and our 11 week old grandson. My lungs were glad for that.

  7. The fireworks are so pretty! I love watching fireworks!

  8. The reflection on water is also wonderful!! Looks like you really enjoyed the fourth of July! :-)


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