Please click on any of the pictures for closer viewing.)
The weather here in the Puget Sound area of Washington State has been so beautiful that it has been incredibly difficult to stay inside for any reason, for any amount of time.

Today I went with one of the groups I belong to on an informative and relaxing private garden tour. I wish I could share more shots of the variety of plants there, but unfortunately, I only got a couple photos before my camera batteries quit. (I know, I know, I almost always bring extras but today was an exception...for many reasons, which I won't go into here. Needless to say, for the next garden tour, I will have double the extra batteries required!)
The good thing was that the couple shots were of the Embothrium coccineum (Chilean Fire Tree/Bush) that was in full bloom. There are a couple of these wonderful 'shrubs', which are really trees, growing on the property, and they are just gorgeous now. The timing of our visit was so that we could see them in full bloom, and they sure were!

Not only are the plants feeling the heat of summer coming on, but the growth of the critters around and about seems to be exponential. The eaglet is flexing its wings now, the baby juncos are flying about, and the goslings are quickly looking more like their parents.

How sweet is this, with the eaglet peaking over the shoulder of the adult?

Fluffy baby junco waiting its turn at the suet feeder.

Honk! Honk! = Run away! Run away!
But soon, they're be flying...
