Seattle Area Garden Bloggers United To Talk met
this past Saturday
Molly's of Life on Tiger Mountain.
Before I knew it, POOF, the afternoon was gone. Could it be? My first SAGBUTT meeting was ending already?
Here's the afternoon via my lens...

As we each arrived, we were welcomed by the
gorgeous and bountiful vegetable gardens,
quaint setting, and energetic pup.
Click on the picture above (or any of them) to enlarge it,
and see the pumpkins hanging in the center.
It was like art in the garden.

We admired the veggie gardens and continued on to see
the chickens, rooster, and ducks.

This pair seemed as though they were thinking...
just stand really still and we'll blend in.
Look, they don't even see us!

Unlike the ducks, the rooster made no effort to hide.
He was quite the center of attention and
eyed us all as he struck a Mick Jagger-like pose.

We continued through the wooded area
where the
Weed Wackin' Wenches captured a photo of 'Sasquatch'
which they posted on their blog!
Nothing near as exciting as that, I (sort of?) caught a face
in the rings of this fresh tree stump, shown above.

Tucked in amongst the plants and boulders is
another ever-so-tranquil spot on our garden walk.
What a lovely place to grab a peach, relax, and enjoy nature.

The hydrangea Molly had near the house was in full fantastic bloom. Gorgeous blooms.
We moved into the house to begin the next part of our meeting.

Above is a sampling of the offerings of the day.
Aren't those little cucumbers the cutest?
They tasted just as good as they look too.
Karen at Greenwalks has the names of many of the foods.
One even has a French name--oo-lah-lah.

It was time to sample tomatoes.
Although at first glance I thought the name of this one above
Gnarly Goliath.
Early Goliath was anything but gnarly.
It was a yummy-tasting tomato.
Garden Muse posted a great overview shot of
most of the tomatoes we sampled, and lots of other great photos too.

I think that next to 'Sungold', this 'San Marzano' was the best-tasting to me.
Paula at Petunia's Garden wrote up some great information about some of the tomatoes and their structure, and so forth.
She has a far more developed palette than I.
My comments included things like:
I like it, I like this one better, this one isn't as sweet.

It was a blur of walking, talking, eating, and enjoying the company
of other garden bloggers and friends, face-to-face.
Til next time, Happy gardening and Garden Blogging!