My recent 'Wordless Wednesday' post showed photos of
my toes awash in east coast and west coast water.
This year has been one of travel for me
between coasts of the continental U.S.
I've recently been trying out an airline I hadn't tried before,
Jet Blue. I traveled on one of their flights shortly before
that air carrier was all over the news, thanks to
the infamous act by Steven Slater, former Jet Blue flight attendant.

His actions apparently would not garner him flowers, like above,
not from Jet Blue anyway.
These flowers were close to a favorite beach on Cape Cod.
Neither Jet Blue nor Steven Slater were anywhere to be seen.

There were some vivid blues visible from Nauset Beach.
The breeze helped keep everyone cool in the 90-degree heat.

Even the seagulls needed some cooling off.

This baby osprey didn't walk or fly anywhere,
but sure let it's parents know it wanted something.

One parent sat quietly preening,
seemingly not even hearing the little one.
The perches for the osprey
have been here for as long as I can remember.
Not only did I bounce from one coast to another,
but I have been bouncing
between western and eastern Massachusetts,
crisscrossing the state a few times.

Aside from 'nature',
some interesting objects were to be found
in the aqueduct here.

This bicycle struck me as an oddly sad site.

A lovely cedar waxwing briefly landed,
and was off in a flash.
Almost too fast for me to catch it,
and unfortunately too fast for me to focus clearly!

And here is some of the
Staghorn Sumacthat reminds me so much of growing up back east.
As I crossed the state and the country,
and saw the critters about,
I was reminded of the tale of the tortoise and hare.

Perhaps one of them had permission to travel in the 'breakdown lane'?

Once again, I left the east coast for my home on the west coast.

I had to include these
Gratuitous Puppy Pictures...

L.D. (above)

Bear (above)
East Coast folks -
please stay safe with these hurricanes bearing down on you!