I felt like a fish out of water on Wednesday.
I can't thank you enough for all your comments to my post that day -
they helped immensely!
We are doing okay, just waiting on more information.
I know this is a couple days late (it was supposed to be posted on July 15th for
Garden Blogger Bloom Day, hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens), but I'm hoping you'll excuse my tardiness and still take a peak at what's blooming here now. There's just so much that I couldn't wait any longer to share some of it with you!

Here's a fun lavender surrounded by sedum.
Below are 4 photos of one hydrangea plant, with blooms in various stages...

I couldn't pass by this sweet little fleur without taking her photo...

I know. This rose is out of control and I love it!

There is a lot of native vegetation on the property, and here's a photo of one of them with tight buds that remind me a little (okay, hortheads, I know it's a stretch:) of Callicarpa (beautyberry).

Here it is again in bloom. Can you guess what plant this is?

Now into the vegetable garden area...
Here's a tangle of scarlet runner beans and sweet peas.

Is that a squash bloom I see peaking out between the leaves?

A few steps away, the woodland garden..
A little Ligularia 'przewalskii' and an airy Astilbe (I think its Astilbe japonica 'Europa') walked into a bar... (Never mind, unless you have a good punch line?)
The small evergreen tucked between them is variegated.
(click on any photo to see it bigger)
It is the result of a cutting I took in a garden where I was helping 'rescue' plants before the developer came in to clear the land.
Does anyone have an idea of what it might be?

A visitor to the field of Lychnis coronaria (rose campion).

And to end on a sunny, cheerful note, here is a Nasturtium 'Empress of India',
grown from
Renee's Garden seeds.

Have a great weekend everyone!