Saturday, August 27, 2011

SAGBUTT prevents B-LOC

Seattle Area Garden Bloggers United To Talk (SAGBUTT) 
prevents Boredom-induced-Loss-of-Consciousness (B-LOC)

This unforgettable acronym for our garden blogging group
was coined in jest by Karen, whose blog is Greenwalks.
Much to her surprise, the group voted to adopt it and it stuck.
The inspiration and plan came together for us 'virtual friends' 
to share ideas, tips, and recommendation on blogging, plants, 
nurseries and just about anything and everything.
this month we reconvened after a bit of a hiatus.
As with any group, some people couldn't attend~
~Karen, we missed you and the others!~
but many did gather: Melanthia, of course, hosted; 
Alison of Bonney Lassie; Catherine of A Gardener in Progress
Paula of Petunia's Garden; and Yvonne
came together for the day to visit and share.

After touring Melanthia's wonderful gardens, visiting with each other, 
the chickens, dogs, and family; 
after supping (actually 'lunching'~I can make up words too, GW!) 
and sipping while resting in the warm sun on her deck, 
we ventured out for some 'official' garden tours.

This house and garden were on the drive to Ciscoe's garden
As mentioned in my previous post, we'll venture forward, 
covering One Garden At a Time (OGAT), 
today viewing Ciscoe Morris' gardens. 
Some of my fellow SAGBUTTs have already posted about this, 
so be sure to visit their blogs to read more and see their amazing images.

This little bat fascinated many of us.
Who wouldn't want one of these in their garden?

Cute flowering cacti were grouped together.

They looked so soft you wanted to touch,
but you knew if you did, you'd say OUCH!

This one reminded me of a bird with downy feathers,
or maybe a baby penguin slouching with a small crown on its head.
Do you see it? Okay, maybe it's just my wild imagination!



Pretty flower, no?

Can you see the fountain?

Physocarpus - Ninebark

Acer griseum - Paperbark maple

Tomato plant with companions

Click on the image to see the yellow jacket on the water's surface

Color explosion

Busy bee

I took all these images during a Northwest Horticultural Society (NHS) 
members-only tour of the NHS Board Members' gardens.
Northwest Horticultural Society has a Facebook page here.

That's about it, so until the next OGAT -
Happy Gardening!


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

B-LOC prevention = OGAT

Oh, my, my, my, have I ever been away for a long time 
from posting a proper blurb for the blog. 
My excuse: it's finally, really, summer in Seattle and 
gardens, nurseries, and plants beckon from all directions.

So for your own safety and to prevent any 
B-LOC (Boredom-induced-Loss-Of-Consciousness)
I've decided to address this problem OGAT (One Garden At a Time).
So please, tighten your seat belt, sit back, relax,
and enjoy the journey, OGAT.

Let's begin in the south, venturing to the Seed Company and gardens surrounding it,
of a most gracious and knowledgeable host, Ed Hume.

One of the youngsters on the tour 
was kind enough to model her red shoes;
the lettuce was proof that 
home is where you're planted~intentionally or not!

A topiary canoe and paddler in the distance 
seemed to follow the fish on their travels,
flanked by plants and containers along the way.

Primulus denticulata, aka drumstick primose
with begonias and hostas.

A Close Up of the Drumsticks

Primula vialii, aka Pagoda Primrose

After seeing these two primroses in Ed's garden, 
they were added to my 'must have' list of plants.
I found the 'drumstick' pretty easily, but the Pagoda, nada. 
McLendon's told me they may get some in during January or February.

 The veggie garden is a beautiful productive place.
Much of the produce is donated to a program,  
Plant a Row for the Hungry, or PAR for short.
The food goes to help feed people in the area
who might otherwise go to bed hungry.
You can read more about this here.

 Above is a ginormous radish from the vegetable garden.
(That's a 16 oz cup next to it.) 

Ed Hume's blog is here. Don't just read the blog posts,
check out some of the great links listed on the sidebar too.

Next up, SAGBUTT meeting and garden outing,
hopefully a sure bet to keep away B-LOC via OGAT!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Moon Birds

The moon has been for the birds these past few evenings.

Cedar waxwings

Click here to enjoy more Skywatch Friday images from around the world.
